Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My yarn arrived!

This arrived from Sarah's Yarns today! Woohoo! And it was so fast, I just ordered it on Monday! It is Jaggerspun Zephyr in Sage that is going to become a Kiri Shawl for my mom though not in a triangle, she just wants one long rectangle. I have to figure out how to double strand it though, because it is just in one cone with only one strand in sight. My deadline is a month. We'll see if I can get it done.

In other news, my knee, which has been bothering me since track club has started, does not tolerate running very well. I can't even lean on it it hurts so badly. But the thing that seems weird is that I've had TWO MOTRIN today (one at 12, another at 3) and it still hurts. I'm begging my mom to take me to the doctor, because I have a track meet next Thrusday, and then track is over. It is so frustrating.

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